Here is the quote from the Law of attraction. Something I live by now.
"Since every request is granted there is no competition.
Each point of view matters. Every request is granted and as this amazing universe unerringly expands, there is no end to the universal resources that fulfull these requests. And there is no end to the answers to the never ending stream of questions. And for that reason, there is no competition.
It is not possible for someone else to receive the resources that were meant for you, and you cannot selfishly squander resources that were intended for someone else. All desires are answered, all requests are granted and no one is left unanswered, unloved or unfulfilled. When you stay aligned with your energy stream, you always win, and somebody else doesn't have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.
If someone is not receiving what they're asking for, it's not because there is a shortage of resources. It can only be that the person holding the desire is out of alignment with their own request. There is no shortage, there is no lack, there is no competition for reources, there is only allowing or disallowing of that which you are asking for."
And now some shots of the Lovely Miss Alyssa

I call this the Blue Bayou shot. She was nice and humored me and jumped her way into the tiny island in the middle of the creek. And I did some photoshop doctoring. I should really write down what I do because I couldn't quite duplicte it a second time. I got close, but not exact. I played with the blending modes on several versions, and tweaked the hue and did a crazy hybrid. I probably should use adjustment layers, but they slow me down and make me crazy.

A sort of teal version. These may or may not work, but hey, it's fun to play!

She wasn't looking, so I fired away.

Downtown Brentwood using my 80-200, which I am trying to use more. Cropped sensors just make that lens a little tricky sometimes.

The grass really was that green.

I always try to get a close up eye shot. The mom's love this one.

This was my first experience with photshop CS4's black and white. You can adjust every color for black and white individually. Ah-Mazing!

She was so shy, so any candid relaxed shot I could slip in there, I went for it.

I learned that with the 80-200, it doesn't even matter what your background is. This background happens to be a cottage behind an Italian restaurant. For the record.

And that is the Italian restaurant, but not the 80-200.

Slipping in more candid. She wasn't a fan of the hat, but her mom was. So argument over. I think she looks amazing. She was a gorgeous subject and very sweet.
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